Christopher Tozzi

Chris Tozzi has worked as a journalist and Linux systems administrator. He has particular interests in open source, agile infrastructure and networking. He is Senior Editor of content and a DevOps Analyst at Fixate IO. His latest book, For Fun and Profit: A History of the Free and Open Source Software Revolution, was published in 2017.
abm October 1, 2019

Building Knowledge into your DevOps Practices

How do you build a DevOps pipeline? From a DevOps practitioner’s standpoint, many of the components are obvious: you need tools like a continuous integration server, a test automation framework, an automated deployment platform, and a production monitoring tool. These are the tools that help you move and manage code across your continuous delivery pipeline.…
abm September 30, 2019

Why Your Wikis, Instant Messaging and Documentation Databases Don’t Work

We’re three decades into the age of the Web. In that time, a variety of handy tools and strategies have arisen for managing knowledge within organizations. Documentation databases, wikis, and instant messaging are just a few examples. How to build better support and understanding around your company’s proprietary codebase.Download now (pdf) I’m here to tell…
abm September 27, 2019

Keeping Organizational Knowledge within the Organization

How do you keep sensitive information private? Ask most people that question, and the answers will involve passwords, encryption, firewalls, and the like. To be sure, these are all useful tools for helping to prevent unauthorized access to information. Why companies are shifting to Q&A as the new format for knowledge management.Download now (pdf) Yet…
abm September 27, 2019

Best Practices for Ongoing Knowledge Sharing

Knowledge sharing would be easy if it were a set-it-and-forget-it affair. But the reality is that knowledge is shared on an ongoing basis. Why companies are shifting to Q&A as the new format for knowledge management.Download now (pdf) That should be intuitive, but it is a point that many organizations miss. They implement knowledge management…
abm September 27, 2019

Making Knowledge Management as Agile as the Rest of Your Organization

What does it take to make your organization agile? If you go by the tenets of the “Agile Manifesto“—the seminal document on agility in software development—you’ll find answers that center around making business operations more flexible and scalable. Why companies are shifting to Q&A as the new format for knowledge management.Download now (pdf) One topic…